Archive for the ‘ Wisdom Teeth ’ Category

History of Wisdom Teeth

  Most people need their wisdom teeth removed, so why do we have them in the first place? Here’s a quick history lesson of wisdom teeth and the important role they once played!   Wisdom teeth were once an extremely valuable asset to our ancestors. When a typical diet consisted of chewy plants and uncooked […]

Wisdom Teeth: Questions Answered

If you or your child are getting your wisdom teeth removed, you must have questions! We are here to make you feel as comfortable as possible. As always, if you have other questions feel free to contact us. We are more than happy to help you understand more on your upcoming procedure. Read on for […]

Wisdom Teeth: Recovery Tips

Wisdom Teeth are the back molars that come in last, usually between the ages of 18-25. These molars are typically removed due to lack of space that can cause shifting of the surrounding teeth. If you are experiencing pain and discomfort, you may need to have your wisdom teeth removed. Below are a few things […]